Danman's Beginner Guitar / Course 1 / Lesson 2


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Music Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #   000

Author:  Dan Lefler Level:  Beginner  Type:  Course Lesson

Lesson Title:  The strings on the guitar

Instrument:  Guitar


Objective: To know the string names and tones on the guitar in standard tuning.
Instructions: 1.  View the Videos - low / high / MPEG
2.  Learn the names of the strings by repeating this phrase... 
"Each Animated Day Goes By Easy" (
E  A  D  G  B  E)  
3.  Pluck your guitar strings one by one and repeat out loud the names of each string as you pluck them.  Experiment with your thumb, your index and your middle fingers plucking the strings on your guitar.  Make sure you repeat out loud the names of each string as you pluck them.
4.  Click on the strings below to get the correct sound and note to tune to.
5.  Practice 20 minutes each day.  Log this time into your practice log.
6.  Go to the next lesson
Practice: Watch the videos a few times and say the learning phrase out loud while you pluck or pic the strings until you know them by memory.
Follow-up: Open tunings, alternative tunings,  next lesson


 E  A  D  G  B  E

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