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Scales & Chords Database

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Guitar CHORDS Cheat Sheets
12 major chords - most common positions  
12 major chords - A barre position  
12 major chords - E barre position  
12 minor chords - most common positions
12 minor chords - A barre position  
12 minor chords - E barre position 
3 main chords per key - (the I - IV - V chords)

All Instrument SCALES Cheat Sheets
All Major Scales -   
All Minor Scales -   
All Melodic Minor Scales - 
All Harmonic Minor Scales - 
All Pentatonic Blues Scales - 
All Pentatonic Major Scales - 
All Pentatonic Minor Scales - 
Guitar SCALES Cheat Sheets
All Major Scales -  
All Minor Scales -  
All Melodic Minor Scales -  
All Harmonic Minor Scales - 
All Pentatonic Blues Scales - 
All Pentatonic Major Scales - 
All Pentatonic Minor Scales -

Danman's Music Learning Library

1994 - 2009 Danman's Music Library, USA
Copyright © 2009 Danman's Music School