Danman's Beginner Guitar / Course 1 / Quiz Answers


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Quiz Answers

Lesson Plan #   000

Author:  Dan Lefler Level:  Beginner  Type:  Course Quiz


Lesson 1: Name the parts of the guitar:

Look below or watch the video for the answers:   low / high 

Lesson 2: Name the strings on the guitar:

Look below or watch the video for the answers:  low / high  

Lesson 3: Name the correct finger number/names:

Look below or watch the video for the answers:   low / high

Lesson 4: Between what two fingers do you hold the pic?  

Answer:  Thumb & Index finger

Look below or watch the video for the answers: low / high  Video 2 - low / high

Lesson 5: Demonstrate your first strum.  

How many beats does it get? _________

Answer:  4 beats per measure

Look below or watch the video for the answers:   low / high

Lesson 6: What 3 chords did you learn?  _______   _______   ________

Answer:  C - F - G

Look below or watch the video for the answers:   low / high 

Lesson 7: Write in the fingerings to these 3 chords in the grids below:


Look below or watch the video for the answers:   low / high 


Follow up: Go to next course.


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